- Colorado Baptist Association is a fellowship - network of local Baptist churches cooperating, evangelizing, ministering, and seeking to make disciples starting in their local communities and unto the ends of the earth in fulfillment of Jesus Christ's Great Commission.

  - Colorado Baptist Association exists to provide leadership, fellowship, training, and equipping resources in the areas of church growth, ministry, missions, pastoral leadership transitions, and positive church and leadership consulting for the benefit of its member churches and pastors.


Prayer requests: Your prayers have a powerful impact ! Keep on praying !

Pastor of the Week:

 Pray for Pastor of the Week, Omar Garcia, pastor at FBC, El Campo, Tx. and his family as they minister in the local community area.. Pray for the church as they lead out in worship and proclamation. Pray for the church members and family as they minister in the El Campo area. Pray for spiritual and numerical growth to take place in the church and community. Remember the church family, as they minister and lead out in Bible study and ministry this week. Pray for them, as they seek out opportunities for local community ministry this week. Pray that they will find open doors to share their faith and minister in the name of Jesus Christ.

Pray for Pastor Jeff Mitchell, Pledger FBC., as he has follow up visits with his medical teams concerning a cancer diagnosis. Pray for Jeff and Teresa as they hear back from medical tests and his medical team of specialists regarding future treatments. Pray for the Pledger Church congregation and Pastor Jeff and Teresa as they deal with numerous break-ins and robberies at the church. The thieves are damaging the church building and stealing church equipment, and so far the authorities have had no success apprehending the thieves. You know the times are bad when thieves are breaking into God's house and stealing His property ! The thieves have taken an AC window unit, fan, printer, coffee pot, cleaning supplies, and nursery equipment.  Pray for God's protection of His property and house, and for conviction within the heart of the thief / thieves to repent.

Pray for Pastor Simeon Garcia, Alpha y Omega Iglesia Evángelica, El Campo, Tx. along with his wife and family. Pray for his ministry and for the church family as they have abandoned their church building due to financial burdens and the rent going up. They have decided to explore other options for a place to worship. Pray for the pastor and church family as they minister and serve the Lord Jesus and seek a better worship place. Pray for Alpha y Omega´s members as they seek out ministry opportunities and open doors to share the Good news of Jesus Christ in their local area during this transition. 

Pray for Associate Pastor Tito Sanabria, and his wife, at Lane City Baptist church. Pray for Pastor Tito, his wife, and his family, as Tito was involved in a serious traffic accident. He is progressing well and has returned to Houston to continue his recovery. Pray for his wife as she ministers to him during this time. He will be under-going additional surgeries and procedures. Pray for God's healing, and recovery for Tito. He is improving and making progress. We continue praying for his recovery. Thank you for your intercession.

- Pray for Associate Pastor, FBC Palacios, James Collins as he recovers from a knee surgery and procedure. He is suffering from an infection as well. Pray for his rehab to continue to go well, and for the infection to clear up asap. Please lift him and his family up, as they go through extensive treatments and as the family ministers to him during this healing process. Pray for his recovery and for God´s healing. Pray for his doctors and specialists to be guided by the Great Physician. Pray for him as he recovers.

- Pray for Pastor Luis Alvarado and his wife, Emmanuel, Bay City, along with his family and church members, as Pastor Luis plans on having a heart procedure. Pray for his wife, Alicia, as she recovers from knee surgery. Please continue to lift them up in your prayers as they endeavor to recover and heal.  Both are doing remarkably well presently.

PTL ! Pray for Associate Pastor and Children's minister, Steve and Stephanie Lyford, FBC El Campo, as their daughter, Amelia undergoes treatments fighting leukemia. Pray for Amelia's healing, and for her medical specialists as they minister to Amelia. Pray for her strength, and stamina as she undergoes these treatments. Pray for her family, and church family as they minister to her during this time. She is now fighting a recurring fever and complications after going through her treatments. She will continue to be monitored by her medical staff. Pray for her healing and recovery, and for her family as they minister to her during this time.


Ministerial Opportunities:

FBC Matagorda, has called David Gibbons, as short term interim pastor, the church is in pastoral leadership transition presently. The church is also seeking a children´s ministry worker to help with their after-school children´s ministry at the church. if interested please contact Barry Barnet at 1-903-227-9019.


This month's CBA Newsletter is now available under the Newsletter Tab ( Above on Homepage ) Check it out for all the latest CBA News and Events. Financial report, devotional, and ministry opportunities.


 Ministry    &    Missionary    Resources   &   Website    ( Shortcuts )

 Go to the bottom right hand side of this page to " Affiliations" and click on it. You will see a list of Christian Organizations affiliated with CBA, which will give you more information on their specific ministry and mission. Scroll down through the list and click on the one that interests you, or for which you are seeking more information. Try it out it's fun and quick ! WMU., Women's Ministry, Men's Ministry, Disaster Relief, BGCT., SBTC., STCH., and more .....